Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I network with others in the Mentors Program?

The Alumni Mentors Program has an exclusive LinkedIn group with over 500 mentors and mentees. Be sure to join your Alumni Mentors community online by requesting to be a part of our Alumni Mentors LinkedIn group.

Where can I get help with job applications and interview preparation?

Carleton’s Career Services offers a range of free services for both current students and alumni. This includes resume and cover letter review, mock interview and LinkedIn reviews. You are able to book an appointment online through their website.

I am having difficulty getting in contact with my mentor and am unsure of how to proceed.

If at any point you are having difficulty reaching your mentor please reach out to the Program Coordinator by email and they will assist you in reconnecting.

My commitments and availability have changed and I am not able to continue with the mentorship program.

If you are not able to continue in the program due to changes with your commitments and availability, please reach out to the Program Coordinator as soon as possible. We will work with you to communicate to your mentor and talk about next steps.

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